caniescape - Blog | caniescape 2024-05-28T12:47:29-04:00 caniescape 2024-05-28T12:47:29-04:00 2024-05-29T15:39:53-04:00 What’s in Your Cart vs. What’s in Your Closet Clare Koppang  

 It’s always fun to build up a shopping cart online somewhere, then evaluate it and decide what we really need. Most times, we end up with a white button up shirt similar to the other 4 in our closet. Or a couple dresses that don’t work and we have to send back, so we give up altogether. Why don’t we ever press “place order” on those outfits that we know will be game changers for us? A plethora of reasons- we convince ourselves money is better spent elsewhere, we don't know how to style it, or body issues start to arise when buying clothes and we don’t want to go there. When did shopping become such a chore?


 It used to be a fun Saturday tradition to get dressed and go out to lunch, then hit the town for an afternoon of shopping. Adding a new piece or outfit to your wardrobe would set you up with a big dopamine hit to start the week. Why do we feel ashamed that we are spending money to better ourselves? The same wouldn’t be true if we bought a great new lamp or rug for the home. That’s an investment; sure, in your home, in which you live. You also live in your body, and have to feel good. So just as you’re affected by your surroundings and want to enhance your home or drive a nice car, living in clothing that makes you shine is important, too.


Knit Tote Bag, Player Rib Tank, Wide Leg Pant,

Nantucket Sweatshirt, Linia Skirt, Osaka Sneakers


 What's in your closet now that is working for you? Take yourself back to a time when you had on a great outfit and you felt really good wearing it. It made you feel happy and powerful. You had more confidence. What was it about that look that made you feel so great? The comfort of the fabrics? The color or shape? Pay attention to those shapes that work well on your body, and keep in mind while shopping. When you realize which styles, colors, fabrics you feel really good in, you can build on that and start to collect pieces that all work back together to create a well-rounded wardrobe that really feels like you. That’s what it’s all about. We don’t want to be carbon copies of each other and lose our individualistic style.


You were born to stand out in your own special way. Don’t settle for a trend you don’t like just because it’s in. Your body language will show how uncomfortable you are, and you’ll regret the purchase. It’ll start to put a bad taste in your mouth for shopping in general. And don’t let size get you down. Everything runs so differently even within a brand. Based on fabrics, stretch content and styles, I have 4 different sizes in my closet. Wear the size you feel best in. If you buy too tight hoping it’ll give, you will probably never wear it. Shop for your body now.


Manning Top, Cotton Maxi Skirt


 Next time you’re building a cart, decide to invest in you. At the end of the season, you’ll thank yourself after wearing those pieces on repeat and feeling great in them. The trickle effect that will happen when you feel more confident and comfortable in what you’re wearing can be often underestimated, but I promise- makes for better days and a happier you!


Text the Council phone anytime; our stylists are excited to help build your next great outfit! 706-987-9486.


Photos by Morgan Duke Photography.

]]> 2024-05-22T12:39:46-04:00 2024-05-28T13:14:05-04:00 The Story of Council Clare Koppang  


As celebrations are approaching for Council’s 6th year in 43-100, I thought it was time to retell our story. It’s easy to forget how far we’ve come and how much we have grown when I get in the daily grind, but it has been refreshing to look back and remember why, how, when we started and what brought us to this point.



I was living in Nashville, TN in 2014 and working for Jimmy Choo when I decided to take the leap and start Council. I’d been traveling back and forth to 43-100 almost every month in my time off to bring new, exciting pieces to clients here and style them for events, vacations, their life! I put the pen to paper to gauge what I needed to make ends meet and get this thing off the ground. I had a few dedicated clients who I knew would help me get there. At first, caniescape was just that. A small, appointment-based studio with a cozy meeting area, rolling rack and fitting room. It was a place I could meet with clients and host trunk shows. Council was a service-based business then with no inventory. I offered personal shopping, wardrobe styling and closet edits. After working with a few clients, I realized the pieces I was constantly looking for were hard to find. I started to go to New York market and buy a small sprinkling of inventory for the studio. It primarily consisted of the classic wardrobe staples; a great fitting pair of jeans (yes, Black Orchid Denim has been with us since the very beginning), high quality tees, leather jackets and great accessories (hey, Janessa Leone). As things began to sell quickly, I built the inventory up and started to have regular hours. But life has a way of shifting, and when I became pregnant with our daughter, I decided to downsize. My husband was working full time, while we also ran a vacation rental company and managed 25+ Airbnb’s. It was a crazy time looking back. I was helping furnish rentals and communicating with guests. Council took a backseat.



I moved my little studio to our basement in 2016, and transformed back into appointment and online only while we welcomed a new baby. I had a huge sale to clear things out as we planned a move to 43-100, GA. I really didn’t know the future of Council, but with no staff, a new baby and a big move, I gave myself grace to let it be and would decide after the move if 43-100 would really support something like Council. We made the move in April, and by October I had a small studio rented in Bibb City. I opened two mornings a week while our daughter was in preschool. After a few short months, I heard over and over how much 43-100 has needed something like this and clients were begging for a larger selection. So, on May 22, 2018 we opened our doors at 1141 1st Ave! It was such a dream come true. We rocked it for 5 years there, and I learned so much about the ups and downs of business. After barely surviving Covid times, we were on the other side and feeling confident about expansion when the offer came to move the store to a new development, Highside Market.


Designing the new store and getting prepared to open a larger, more visible location was so exciting and took every ounce of energy last year to make it what it is. Having a larger, more private fitting room area, more square footage and more inventory, an updated logo and brand identity are just a few things that have made this feel like the next level for us. I finally feel like it’s becoming one of those cool stores I loved to shop so much when I started getting serious about building my wardrobe.


See, when I was in my early 20’s working and hustling to make rent and have extra to buy new clothes, I was just buying what I thought I could afford at the time. I hit up H&M, Forever 21 and the like to get my fix for a new top or dress for my weekend plans. It wasn’t long before I got tired of wasting money on those cheap clothes. They fell apart, or I would see other people in the same dress, it was no fun shopping in those places with too many clothes crammed on the racks and stuff thrown on the floor. I realized I was way happier to shop for and wear nice boutique pieces even if it meant saving up for a little longer. I saw how wearing quality clothing that I really loved made me feel differently. I was investing in my wardrobe, yes, but also in myself. Building a wardrobe is like building an art collection. You can’t do it overnight. It means collecting pieces that bring out the best in you and make you feel like the best version of yourself. Respecting the process from that initial sketch from the designer to the thoughtful fabric sourcing, careful construction and finally the moment you slip it on and get that feeling of bubbly happiness. That is why Council’s metamorphosis simply had to continue, and still I feel the best is yet to come.


 To all of the women who walk in curious if their next favorite outfit or special wardrobe staple is waiting for them on the rack, thank you. Thank you for walking in, or getting online, and trusting us with the privilege to dress you for life. You are why we are able to do what we do and provide beautiful pieces that are made to help you shine.

I feel so grateful to say, a decade later, we are still helping build wardrobes and boost confidence!

]]> 2023-07-07T12:18:51-04:00 2023-07-07T16:49:34-04:00 Client Spotlight: Morgan Duke caniescape  

We’re so thrilled to be bringing back our Client Spotlight features, and starting with our photographer, Morgan Duke, was a no-brainer. This girl does so much, but with such grace and intentionality that it would seem she’s always on vacation. Quite the contrary; she gets up super early to fit in things that are important to her before heading off to work. She makes time for coffee and friends and art lessons, prioritizes date night with her husband, long walks with her dog. In a nutshell, she makes it her mission to live a full life. Let’s take a walk through a day in the life of Morgan.


6am – Wake up (this is what she calls waking up late…only on Friday + weekends; she gets up at 3:45am for morning ritual and commute to her white coat job Monday thru Thursday. Morgan is a Neurology Nurse Practitioner at an outpatient clinic in Opelika, AL.) Her morning ritual includes two hot cups of coffee- black. Then quiet time, and the New York Times Wordle puzzle to get her brain going.


7am- Takes her dog, Goose, for a walk.


9am- Heads to Fountain City Coffee for her “real” coffee, a Café au Lait with oat milk.


10am- Heads out to her first photoshoot of the day, and continues working until about 4pm.


12/1pm- Break for Lunch at The Food Mill- the Power Salad with Salmon is her favorite; she also grabs some groceries while she’s there- granola, eggs, a sweet treat.


2pm- Back to continuing photoshoots with small businesses, family and newborn sessions, and the occasional bridal shoot.


5pm- Grabs another Fountain City coffee- this time it’s a Japanese style iced coffee with a splash of half and half. Grabs Goose and heads to the river for a long walk or a sit. This is her favorite time of the whole day.


“The river is healing for me. It’s the place I feel the most creative, and where I can get back to myself”, Morgan tells me.


Sometimes she gives herself a break and doesn’t edit on Friday’s. Instead, she will do something that is just for her- art lessons with Cora King in the morning after her Fountain City stop or in the afternoons around 5. For Morgan, the art lesson takes on more of a therapy session as it challenges her need for perfectionism and helps her get back to herself after a long work week. Her enneagram is a 3 wing 4, so if you know anything about 3’s, she is a performer and wants to be really good at anything she practices. She credits Cora for influencing her art style and even her dressing style. Morgan says she wears so much more color now after working with Cora.


“Creatives feed off each other, and that is a beautiful thing and I want more of that in my life”, says Morgan.


6pm- Heads home to get ready for date night in or out. She looks forward to this ritual with her husband, Tripp, all week. They even make it fun and have themes for date nights sometimes. (I recall seeing them in Hawaiian shirts or head-to-toe denim on Instagram. So fun!)


Morgan also looks forward to her Saturday morning yoga at River Flow. She credits Alee and Toni with helping get her start in photography. “They gave me a chance! I would not be where I am today without them”, she tells me. She says she loves the community at River Flow, and adds “diversity is so good for us”. I could not agree more.


If you follow Morgan on social media, this girl is always going somewhere! She says that travel is one of her “biggest influences that exposed her to what lies in photography. It helped me have more fun behind the camera”. And I can see how her style has shifted in the last couple years after some of her travels. She brings a lightness and energy to the photos that make little 43-100 feel like the most exciting place to be.



Her love for travel prompted me to ask her 3 questions to wrap things up:


  1. What is your favorite place to travel and why?

Italy— food, culture, fashion. Everything is SO colorful. This country changed how I see the world.


  1. What is your favorite outfit or brand and why?

My Ripley raider black crop pants — the BEST pants for travel, work, lounging. They make me feel confident and are SO cute with sneakers. I’ve worn them so much I’ve had the seams repaired!


  1. Why is style important to you?

Style is important to me because it expresses individuality and uniqueness. I love pieces that become fun conversation starters!



We finished the interview chatting about how we both struggle with a desire to excel in our careers, but crave a slower life. It’s a balance that anyone passionate about their work will find themselves evaluating from time to time. We both agreed that when we actually do slow down and do things that fill our cup, our work life magically falls into a happy rhythm as well. It was great to talk with Morgan about this and really made me feel like we’re all in this together, feeding off one another’s energy, thus why it is so important to protect our energy.


She left me with a statement that is so Morgan (and such great advice) that I have made my motto lately, “Work hard, play harder”.


To book a photoshoot with this talented gal, email Morgan at [email protected]

Photos of Morgan taken by our very own Jessica Teal.

]]> 2023-05-10T17:16:05-04:00 2023-05-10T17:46:13-04:00 4 Summer Staples Your Closet Needs caniescape Summer is a chance to slow down a bit and savor the long, warm days. It’s a great reminder that style doesn’t have to be fussy. Your outfit doesn’t have to be perfectly planned or even ironed. Summertime is a season for throw-on dresses and crinkle linen, shorts and hats, minimal makeup and maximum fun. The warmth encourages airy, light layers and pieces that travel and flatter. Even if you don’t have big travel plans on the calendar, I have found that last minute invitations pop up and it’s nice to have a few staples on hand. Let’s talk about 4 pieces you should absolutely consider as your go-to Summer standbys.


  1. Your Fabulous Straw Hat… the no-brainer. I wear my Janessa Leone straw hats from April to October! They’re the perfect accessory to a simple tee shirt dress or linen shirt and shorts, and a great cover up for dirty hair days, too.



  1. Your Summer Throw-on Dress. Grab a few of these, you’ll live in them! A throw-on dress is an easy way to style your poolside or beach look- throw over a swimsuit and grab that hat. Or, pair with sparkly sandals or wedges for a fun dinner, or even sneakers for a day of travel. Then as the Summer days start to turn into Fall, pair her with your favorite sweater or jacket. She is oh-so-versatile!



  1. Your Third Piece. This one can be a few things, but every good outfit needs “the third piece”. For example, just a top and jeans is a tad underwhelming, so add a statement necklace situation, cool hat, or in this case- linen duster. The third piece is often another layer that adds color or texture and helps fine tune the look. The Linen Duster breathes, and is great for cool restaurants or airports, or even just as sun protection. It can be worn over just about anything- shorts, dresses, or jeans and a top.



  1. Your Statement Bag. Choose wisely here- a bag that doesn’t work for you is just annoying. But when it does work- ah! A great bag can take you places. Our Eye Tote is the right mix of style and function. First of all, it sits! No falling over and spilling the contents of your life into the floor at every turn. Second, it fits a laptop and all sorts of things, but the structured shape keeps everything organized and easy to quickly locate. Last, it’s just a beauty! It is fun to carry and easy to pair with simple, neutral looks.


These Summertime staples are a great investment to your wardrobe since they’re all timeless, classic pieces that you will pull out year after year… some you may never put away (that dress!) And the best part, they can all be styled so many ways to maximize wear.

]]> 2023-04-20T13:13:40-04:00 2023-04-20T14:29:39-04:00 Spring & Summer Shoe Edit caniescape It’s been said that accessories are the punctuation to any look, and I definitely believe shoes can make or break your look. I’ve always had a thing for good shoes, and we’re finally carrying a selection at Council now. I could not be more thrilled to introduce Pedro Garcia and Schutz to our small, but ever-growing shoe department. We started carrying p448 sneakers a couple years ago because I personally wore them and always raved about their comfort level and how unique and different they were; it just made sense to add more styles to the mix. We’re completing your entire look in just one stop to Council or one online checkout these days.


So, what shoes do you need for Spring and Summer? The warmer months call for comfort, because on top of running around being super woman, you’re now dealing with the heat. And I believe neutral, versatile shoes are a must for Spring and Summer because so much of what we wear is bright and colorful, so let your shoes be the chic, neutral exclamation point to your fabulous ensemble.



First up, SLIDES. Slides are a must for shorts, dresses, vacation and even work. The Pola Slide from Pedro Garcia is extreme comfort meets elevated style with it’s metallic pebbled leather front strap and super cushiony footbed. Slide it on with our red linen Poppy Dress, or Distressed Cut Off Shorts and Stripe Vintage Tee. Our Enola Sporty Sandal is another must, just as comfy, but with a slightly higher footbed. The brown leather straps with gold bamboo buckles make a statement but keep it classy all at the same time. Slide the Enola Sandal on with the Yumi Floral Skirt and matching Evie Cami or keep it casual and pair with Saylor Linen Shorts and the Ely Gauze Shirt for a crisp Summer look. 



Next, HEELS. And I don’t mean a giant stiletto that you might wear 3 x all season. I mean a super comfy, suede slide-in block heel that is just the right height- low enough to keep you moving and comfortable all day, but tall enough to give you that confident posture that only a comfy heel can give. Enter the Claris Heel. Pedro Garcia really hit the nail on the head with this style. In fact, they do a version of it every season, it’s that good. Wear the Claris with anything from Le High Straight jeans and Nadia Top to one of our many colorful Celia B dresses, or even with our Josh Top and Orti pants in a beautiful silky Summer brown. 


Can’t have Spring and Summer without your favorite WEDGE. Our Viena from Pedro Garcia is the shoe I have been throwing on most this season. It’s the height you need from a wedge with the comfort of a flat. And the straps wrap snugly around your foot so no need to hang on for dear life and curl your toes every time you walk. I feel so cozy and secure in these fabulous, nude leather wedges. Pair them with your favorite Misa dress, Linen Shorts such as our Terra or Mesa Shorts with the Dani Coral Tee or Fatima Smocked Top, The Jenkins Dress, Cut off’s and the Wright Top, the list could seriously go on and on. Another sandal meets wedge that we love is the Mar Sandal. I like to call it the designer Teva, because it has the squishy, comfy footbed of a pool shoe, with silk straps- wow! What a beautiful combination and an awesome every day shoe. It can seriously go work to weekend. Pair with our oh-so-comfy Newport Dress and Elliott Linen Blazer, for work, weekend, or a day of travel, or with the Verde Shorts and Ilia Shirt for an upscale casual look. 



Last but never least, our old standby’s the p448 Sneakers. You can’t go wrong with any of the styles. We’re obsessed with all of them for different reasons. Pair your favorite with shorts all summer, such as the Verde Shorts with Crop Veronica Sweater, or give them an upgrade with a fun skirt combo such as Fallon Skirt and Disco Cowgirl Tee. We love these for their insanely comfortable insole- they don’t even need breaking in! Seriously- I wore my first pair ever immediely all day on a trip to NY and never had a blister. They are as comfy as they are cool.


How we're styling our Spring + Summer shoes:



Now that you have your list of must have shoes, it’s time to start planning your next fun outing- and outfit! As always, we are here to help answer any of your style questions. Message below or email us directly at [email protected]! Happy Shopping!

]]> 2022-11-14T16:43:02-05:00 2022-11-16T21:12:14-05:00 Why PINK FRIDAY? caniescape  


Pink Friday is the new Black Friday! Actually, it’s a better Black Friday. It gives small businesses a leg up on getting customers to shop small first, since it happens the Friday before Black Friday.



  • Support small businesses first (and keep your money IN your community to help it thrive)
  • Shop specially curated, high-quality items – and at a discount!
  • Get your holiday gifting done early
  • Take advantage of small biz perks such as free gift wrap and local delivery
  • Make a Wish List of any items you loved but didn’t buy and tell your friends and family to encourage them to shop small, too
  • Get to know the owners and staff, make friends in your community


In an effort to encourage you to shop small first, we are excited to announce that our first ever PINK FRIDAY sale will be live in-store and online this Friday, November 18th!  There will be store-wide sales, special giveaways, an entry to win a $200 gift card, and more! Please stop by to shop in the store, or visit us online. We’re excited to help style your life, and help check some names off your holiday shopping list!

 And don’t forget, as always, free gift wrap and local delivery is always available!

]]> 2022-06-15T16:21:13-04:00 2022-06-15T16:21:13-04:00 Mood-Boosting Brights caniescape When shopping lately, you’ve probably noticed more bright colors available apparel wise. We went through an everything neutral phase in fashion, which is still and will always be a chic idea, but lately we’re thrilled to see pops of bright lime, coral, and royal blue to name a few.


When buying Hunter Bell for the first time, I really liked that almost every piece had a bright print. The Rita Dress in lime is the ultimate bright, and Hunter herself said recently, “Dopamine brights are trending right now”. Which brings me to something really fun and interesting- you know how we call it “retail therapy” because buying something we love can make us feel so good and boost our mood? That’s the whole vibe happening with brights having a moment in fashion right now. We are so here for it, and don’t want it to go anywhere anytime soon. When thinking about the store and what I like the flow of color on the racks to look like, I always picture a bright tossed here and there, like bright coral amongst blushes and ivories, or a pop of lime with white and denim. It totally does give a dopamine, mood-boosting effect, and you can hardly be in a bad mood wearing something so fun and cheerful.

Palmer Dress by Hunter Bell

I noticed a lot more brights being offered at markets after the shutdown of 2020, and it gave me a good feeling that the fashion industry was always going to be something people can go to for a smile, to feel better. Buying a piece of art you can wear, having something that fits you in a way that makes your literal soul shine through- that's what brings that feel good dopamine, too.

Coral Silk Tee / Coral Pant by Ripley Rader

That’s what we aim to do at Council. I often say, “if you’re not crazy about it, put it back”. I want your closet to be comprised of pieces that literally make you smile when you put them on. Dopamine brights forever!!!

I loved wearing the Rita on vacation last week! 


]]> 2022-04-18T13:27:14-04:00 2022-04-18T13:40:51-04:00 First Annual Garden Party caniescape When I dreamed up caniescape years ago, part of that vision included chic events, such as pop ups with favorite brands, holiday soirees, and I even dreamed of a garden party somewhere lush and green. Ten days ago that event actually happened! I am still pinching myself. It was just so LOVELY. Everything about it made me smile from the beautiful setting at the Wynn House, sprinkled with gorgeous flower arrangements done by Brooke Anderson, the signature cocktail- a paloma, soothing live music from Jake Hess III, and even a live event painting by Julianna Wells. I dressed the models (some of my dearest clients/ friends) in the latest Spring pieces, which they all showed off so beautifully. Antique sofas and Turkish rugs scattered the lawn amidst high top cocktail tables. Our friends at Spark’d sat near the entrance placing forever bracelets on the wrists of guests to make it extra special. The Wynn House catered the most delightful light bites, and Parkers Pantry made divine lemon squares as a party favor to take home.



It was easy, light, fun, and everything about it was just so beautiful. I hope when you think Council, you think clothing that enhances your life, shows off not only your body, but lets your soul shine through! Life is too short to wear boring clothes, this is true, but it’s too short to wear clothes that also don’t make you comfortable, happy, and radiant! We want to help you to be your best self and FEEL good, too!




 We’re planning on making the garden party an annual tradition, and toying with the idea of a fun shindig for Fall, too. Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed the party, you helped make dreams come true! And if you missed it, you definitely don’t want to miss the next one. I’ve got even more dreamy ideas up my sleeve!


]]> 2022-01-20T12:10:20-05:00 2022-01-20T13:26:44-05:00 My Style Staples for the Season caniescape  

During the chilly months, it’s fun to layer and mix patterns and textures. I’ve had fun figuring out which sweaters are my favorites and why; each season I pay attention to what I’m not wearing and if I haven’t worn in a few seasons, maybe it’s time to donate or consign. This particular season, running around from preschool to the store to grocery, comfort has been more of a priority than ever. I’ve found that the 3 staples that really make me feel cool and stylish no matter if I have black leggings on or not are-

Necklaces- my new Theodosia butterfly necklace paired with Bent by Courtney’s opal necklace is my favorite combo and instantly makes me feel current, while keeping a timeless, classic feel. Even in sweats and no makeup, that combo has me feeling like a cool mom. 

 Sneakers- The John sneaker from p448 is my go-to. I’ve worn those things constantly for 2 years now, and they are still in great shape! Half the price of some other designer sneaks, and way more comfy if you ask me. I love all their little details of texture and shimmer. They make comfy so much FUN.

Statement Jacket- Life is sometimes getting ready in 10 minutes (or 5!) these days, so I need to have outfits on deck that I know look good and I can throw on and go. I’m a blazer girl, and Zadig & Voltaire can do no wrong, so I pretty much have to grab up every blazer they make that Council gets. The bubblegum pink crinkle leather that arrived last week was certainly no exception. Wow! I still get chills thinking about how great it is. Fits like a dream and is instant style! Jeans and a tee and you’re good to go. The structure and sheer beauty of it will instantly punch up any otherwise boring look.


The name of the game is EASY, COMFY, CHIC. No ones wants to be in style but uncomfortable. That’s no good! The 3 staples mentioned above are pieces I will grab year after year, season after season! Definitely a quality over quantity play. I'm building a wardrobe I love rather than collecting pieces that I'll need to replace. It's like choosing great art - choose things that make you feel happy rather than just what's the trend of the moment. 

]]> 2021-07-25T18:00:00-04:00 2021-07-25T18:11:57-04:00 Client Spotlight: Katie Jacobson caniescape

Before I knew Katie, I admired her work and her style. I’m always encouraging friends and clients to peel back the layers to find their true signature style, but Katie doesn’t seem to have any trouble with that. I feel like her soul matches her outfits. Even if she’s in leggings, something about her look is ALL her own. I really admire that about her; like she says below, it’s a true eclectic mix of vintage and contemporary. She looks like she just stepped right out of the 70’s in the best possible way. After you read about her day, you’ll understand how she is able to tune in to herself so well. Her daily practices ooze self-care, and we can all learn a thing or two about how to take better care of ourselves. She knows how important it is to feel like her best self and create beautiful art. Check out what a day in the life of Katie is like… 



Katie Jacobson 

Occupation: Professional Artist


5:30/6:00 - Wake up… turn off my alarm and immediately turn on music. This morning was a Louis Armstrong kind of morning. Music helps give me energy and creates a vibe. My dogs jump in bed and I love on them then will roll out of bed. I wash my face with cold water first thing. 


6:15ish - Drink water, most of the time lemon water room temp, while I make my coffee. I mix coffee, unsweetened almond milk creamer, and Alkamind coffee alkalizer Moca. I can’t go without the alkalizer anymore, it tastes so good and it is so good for my body. 


6:30ish - I sit down in my sunroom or in the dining room, light a candle or incense, and put on a meditation music playlist. I do my morning pages (if you don’t know, check out the book Artist Way) and write my to-do list. My to-do lists are ambitious but they help me prioritize what I need to tackle. I also make a point to write my daily goals; little things like meditate, drink green tea, and clean my room. The daily goals are always self-care oriented, which is something I really strive to keep in practice. I then do To Be Magnetic with Lacy Phillips, I am in love with this course and it has turned into a morning ritual. 


7-7:30 - Breakfast time! I eat eggs and avocado pretty much everyday. I feed the dogs. I then throw something together to take to the studio for lunch and snacks. During the summer this is also my time to fill all of the hummingbird feeders. 


8ish - Get to the studio. I usually walk the dogs first thing and then get to emails and review my to-do list. 


9:30 - I go to a class at River Flow Yoga or if I don’t have much time I will do a Melissa Wood Health video. 


Before lunch, it’s studio warm up time. I get everything set up and ready. I’ll be working on my own paintings to get in flow. It’s important for me to loosen up and have creative freedom when my energy is high. 

My favorite artist to listen to while painting is Khruangbin and Aretha Franklin. I love a wide range of music and I am a big believer in music matching/creating a vibe. I curate my own playlists on Spotify that I’ll put on shuffle depending on what I am craving - like on rainy days I usually crave Bossa Nova. 

I also love having podcasts on. A few of my favorites are The Skinny Confidential, Expanded with Lacy Philips, Goop, and Brene Brown. I love self growth and health focused ones. 


12:00 - I’ll eat lunch and walk the dogs around the block. I usually do a quick guided meditation (it helps me reset) and I then have another caffeinated drink to fuel my afternoon. I love Matcha, Runa and any of the unsweetened Yerba Mattes. 


1:00 - I’ll do things like photographing paintings, shipping paintings, or any errands I need to do. 


2:00ish - Afternoon paint flow begins. I typically start with my own work if energy is high. The process is very sporadic and spontaneous. It feels very subconscious led. I usually have 5-20 paintings going all at once. Once I get in flow and chill out, I will sit down to work on commissions. Commissions are more relaxed/focused work. Their approach is definitely more of a structured routine that I need to be calm for so I can focus. 

I am currently working on encaustic hummingbird and landscape paintings. I create layers of oil paint and hot bees wax. I love the layering and atmospheric quality they have. 

I always have at least a few commissions to work on. I am opening up for Christmas commissions within in the next couple of weeks. 


6:00 - I catch a class of River Flow Yoga (I'm very happy if I can make the time for two yoga classes). If I couldn’t make the morning, evening is my treat to top off the day! Yoga is so good for my mind, creativity, and spirituality. I also love the community at RFY. 


A typical evening goes one of three ways: 

  1. Dinner with friends. We love to cook, if we go out I would say it's 11th and Bay, Saltcellar, or Mabellas. 
  2. Dinner with family. My mom is THE best cook. If we go out it’s 219 or Morton’s. 
  3. Chill night - I cook a healthy meal and will either walk or play with dogs. I usually have an audible book playing. Currently listening to Untamed by Glennon Doyle and Quit Like A Woman by Holly Whitaker. 

If I have a cocktail it's always Cathead Honeysuckle or Bitter Orange Vodka, but recently it’s just been hot tea. I also have been loving Tazo Passion hibiscus tea cold. 

I always top the night off with a hot bath and a guided meditation. 



Signature Style: eclectic! I love mixing contemporary and vintage. Crop tops and high waisted anything is what you’ll typically find me in. 

Unexpected thing in purse: essential oil - Lily of the Valley and Amber Musk

Looking to add to my closet: I have a vintage jacket addiction. I’m also always looking out for high-waisted skirts and pants.


Katie’s need to invest in herself is seriously so motivating and even though we all know we need to do more of that, sometimes it’s hard to make yourself make the time. My main takeaway here is, I didn’t hear one chore in there, or if I did she made it sound like fun. Seeing a friend truly thrive really makes me want to take better care of myself on a consistent, daily basis. You with me?

You can find Katie on Instagram @katiejacobsonart and online at

]]> 2021-06-30T08:00:00-04:00 2021-06-30T13:36:31-04:00 Client Spotlight: Roben Clark caniescape I first noticed Roben at our children’s preschool taking her son to and from school. I knew she had to be a personal trainer because she has a rockin’ bod, and shows up in the most put-together workout looks you’ve ever seen - always with cool sunglasses and red lips. I thought “Wow, this girl makes workout gear chic!” After we met (I think I probably stalked her on Instagram and asked about training sessions), she started training me a couple days a week during my pregnancy.

Working with her and getting to know her better, I soon found out Roben is a single mom. I was floored. This woman not only gets up and looks like a million bucks taking her son to school, but she also keeps an immaculate house, and prioritizes their healthy lifestyle and her family first. I felt like I should step it up! Roben has a way of motivating just by being who she is; she didn’t cram rules down my throat and make me feel like I had to totally change my lifestyle. Instead, she offered tips and suggestions when I asked, and overall just made it look easy to make those small changes. She’s the queen of preparation - and it makes for a much more peaceful, less chaotic lifestyle. Needless to say, she’s got it going on!

Let’s find out what makes her thrive as she takes us though a day in her life!



Roben Clark: Mom of 2 boys; 1 teenager and 1 toddler, Daughter, Sister, Friend

Occupation: Fitness trainer, Nutritional therapist, Arbonne consultant, Health/fitness influencer

6-6:30am - Get up and have quiet time before my 3 year old, Imri, is up. Warm lemon water first thing. Jesus time to set the tone for the day, remember the daily scripture and carry it with me throughout the day.

7:30am - Imri is up! Make my smoothie, his oatmeal, get his vitamins, make sure he is hydrated. Maybe some Peppa Pig, maybe not. Get dressed and head to school.

9:00am - Drop off Imri at preschool.

9:30-12:30pm - Training sessions with clients, at their homes, the club, or even their office, then scoot to the store for meal prepping for the next day. Being a step ahead cuts down on stress and disorganization so that I can plan meals for my boys and myself. I am a strong believer that stress has a ripple effect and can negatively impact emotions, weight, food choices, organization, etc. So prepping for me = a peaceful lifestyle. I then make meals for my family and my dad while my mom is away at school during the week.

1:00pm - Pick up Imri from school, give him my undivided attention and do puzzles or any hands on activity.

Afternoon - Playtime outside. I am a big proponent of getting a daily dose of Vitamin D and letting my kids explore the outdoors, get exercise and expend energy before it’s time to wind down.

We love afternoon visits with my family - Mom and Dad or my brother, their Uncle Brel. Family time is good for the soul! We get back home before dinner time so that Imri can be on track. My teenage son Jahmai plays with Imri while I get dinner ready.

6:30pm - Dinner time. I love to cook, but we also love to get our pasta fix from Peppone’s once a week, every week! We’ve been doing this for the last year at least. I love carbs! We also eat Indian once a week at Ria’s (Imri calls her Auntie Ann and she shares recipes with me.)

7:30pm - Bedtime for Imri.

After Imri is in bed, I like to decompress by getting a little work done, working on customizing fitness plans, developing fitness programs, writing e-books and cookbooks, and nutrition guides. I always talk to my Mom before bed. That’s a must. I also check on Dad if Mom isn’t in town.

10:00pm - Bedtime. On a good day. Some days I'm up working on things until midnight, and then it's lights out - ZzzzzZzz.



Her Signature Style: If not active wear, mom jeans, a simple white tee and sneakers. Lipstick, always!

Surprising Item in her Bag: A book about juicing, LOL!

Looking to Add to her Wardrobe: Always looking for classic, simple pieces to achieve an effortless chic look, I love nudes, whites, blacks.

Favorite Brands: I love them all! Love all the colors. When Imri asks my favorite color I can’t land on one! I tell him I love them all!



And that, my friends, sums up Roben perfectly. She really is a friend to all and “loves all the colors”. Her big contagious smile is so genuine it makes you smile that big right back! I loved learning more about her life, and especially love her Prep = Peace mentality. That’s something I will strive to take with me and implement in my family’s life as well. Less stress is always a good thing! Head over to Instagram and give Roben a follow and learn more about her inspiring world @fitmomrob!

]]> 2021-06-08T08:00:00-04:00 2021-06-08T08:15:57-04:00 Client Spotlight: Rachel Wainwright caniescape We’re bringing the Client Spotlight back, and who better to kick it off with than Rachel Wainwright! This girl ALWAYS has a smile on her face along with something nice to say about something or someone. She’s just a beautiful soul, and I really enjoy just being around her. She also happens to have great style and a weakness for good clothes. Needless to say, she’s in good company when she walks in the door at Council! It didn’t take much to coax Rachel to come in and share what a day in her life is like. Get ready to feel like a bum, because I assure you she’s running circles around us - all while smiling that big Rachel smile! 



Name: Rachel Moore Wainwright

Family: Husband, Payton, and two black labs, Madden & Roux

Occupation(s): Sales Rep. for Containers by Reaves/GFL

Owner of Farm Girl Fresh

Co-owner of Sweet Water Home alongside her Mom, Chris Moore

Signature Style: Jeans & Boots (or wedges), generally paired with a Council top

Favorite brands/styles at Council: Misa & Greylin

Printed skirts/dresses, solid tops, great tees, and silky camis

Pieces to add to your Wardrobe: white flares, a great leather jacket, and maxi dresses

Something Unusual in your Purse: a wine/bottle opener (Atta girl! You never know when you might need to celebrate something!)



A Day in the Life of Rachel…

6:30am - Wake up and get some work done before starting the day.

Glass of water - no coffee, no breakfast.

7:00am - Workout on my Peleton or do some cardio/running. 

8:30am - Get to the office at GFL, make sales calls, pull building permits, go on construction sites, knock on doors, etc.

12:00pm - Lunch at one of my favorite spots downtown, then meet mom to do Sweet Water Home stuff; rugs, antiques, interior design jobs.. 

1:30pm - Back to work; run around trying to solve client issues, put out fires.

5:00pm - Head home and work on all things Farm Girl Fresh, tidy the house, do laundry, get Instacart & put groceries up - (Who has the time to grocery shop with 3 jobs?!)

6:00pm - Go on a walk. Payton gets home around 6:30pm.

7:30pm - Cook dinner almost every night - usually fish & veggies.

9:00pm - Watch a show; usually The Sopranos, or a series. Yellowstone is a favorite. I’m counting the minutes until the new season airs!

Go to bed around 10pm.



A little bit about Rachel’s side hustles - yes, plural

Farm Girl Fresh started as a way to get fresh peaches (and sometimes strawberries, pecans, and apples) into the hands of customers the very day they’re picked. You can’t get more fresh than that. Payton is the largest peach farmer in the Southeast with Taylor Orchards, so he knows a thing or two about peaches! They offer local pickup in 43-100, GA, or they can ship your produce anywhere in the US! Follow them on Instagram at @shopfarmgirlfresh, or visit their website at

Sweet Water Home is an interior design business that Rachel started with her mom, offering design services as well as gorgeous rugs, lamps, and antiques. They started in October 2020 as an answer to the Covid blues and a fun way to get their creative juices flowing! Follow them on Instagram at @shopsweetwaterhome and get ready to gush over some luxe interiors!

All of this work she’s doing definitely calls for some major play time, and she knows just how to get her fun, relaxing weekends in. Rachel & Payton head down to the beach every other weekend. They love to fish, and even fish in tournaments where they sleep on their boat 200 miles offshore for the weekend. Aptly so, their family boat is named “Done Pickin'." 

I’m so thankful that Rachel found Council and has been a loyal customer since we opened. She knows the value of supporting small, local businesses because she is one - or two! Thank you, Rachel, for your support and friendship! We are grateful for you and are so happy to know you!



Rachel is wearing the Bahar Top, the Harper Skinny Boyfriend Jeans, the Karla Fedora, and the Wynona Dress.

]]> 2021-04-08T15:20:35-04:00 2021-04-08T15:20:58-04:00 The New Classics: Update your wardrobe with these staples caniescape 4 styles that have been very “in” the past few seasons, and we don’t see them going anywhere.



We like to stick to the classics- shapes, fabrics, things we know work and flatter our body. Every season or so, a new style will become trendy or “in”, then it will phase out. But some of those styles stick around because they are that good.

Today, I’m sharing 4 styles that have been very “in” the past few seasons, and we don’t see them going anywhere.

Women's Wide Leg Pant
The Wide Leg Pant.
The wide leg pant is here to stay! We can’t get enough of the fitted waist, wide leg silhouette. We love the Ryland Camo Pants for a more casual vibe. They hit just above the ankle so are super flattering and make it fun to show off a shoe. The Fairfax Trouser is another favorite for it’s silky, slinky feel and gorgeous coral blush color. Pair either style with a cami and blazer or tee shirt to tone it down.

gold hoopsPetite, Gold Hoops. We’ve long been a fan of Bent by Courtney’s creations, and her latest collection is our very favorite. She hits the nail on the head with her gold hoop collections- The Millie, Flora & Nora in three sizes. Our go-to for everyday is the smallest size. A small, gold hoop is a forever classic, but she gives a fun twist to each style with details such as milgrain, floral etching, and gold dots along the hoop. We wear these petite hoops with anything and everything! They compliment workout gear just as well as a cocktail dress.

crop top

The Crop Top. Before you roll your eyes, we don’t mean stomach-showing crop. We’re crazy about a top that hits just below the ribs with a high-waisted pant- i.e. our Crop Top with Fairfax Trouser. We also love something a little longer, but still considered crop, that hits at the top of the hip bone. I personally love this length because it’s long enough to cover my belly, but short enough to show a defined silhouette. (Longer tops that hit right at the hips tend to be unflattering.) The Neon Lip Tee is my favorite to pair with jeans or shorts.

hand bag

A Small, Structured Bag. A structured bag has been a classic and a wardrobe staple since the beginning of fashion. This season, we’re into a mini version, and it’s definitely here to stay. The Mini William bag by J.Lowery is absolutely adorable, but still fits all your necessities. It has a shoulder strap for versatility, and we love the dove blue python for a fun take on a great mini classic!

    You’ll be seeing a lot more of this little round-up in our store and on stories, so stay tuned for some fun ideas on how to style them! Check us out on instagram @councilstudio

    ]]> 2021-02-04T11:35:51-05:00 2021-02-12T08:52:54-05:00 5 Pieces You Need For Spring caniescape You’ll be able to add quality pieces that can pair with several different looks, and you won’t feel like you have to run out and buy something new every time an occasion arises


    effortless-chic look you crave.

    You’ll be able to add quality pieces that can pair with several different looks, and you won’t feel like you have to run out and buy something new every time an occasion arises. You’re building a wardrobe that really fits who you are, making getting dressed so much easier and authentic, rather than reinventing the wheel with a whole new getup every time you go out.

    That Sweater that Speaks to You
    Go ahead and splurge a little on a cashmere piece that really makes you gasp. It doesn’t have to be a neutral- choose something fun and colorful such as one of our Autumn Cashmere pullovers that you can throw over a tee, or on it’s own. A few of our favorites are the Shaker Ombre Stripe Crew, the Maritime Gradient Crew, or our Neon Print Puff Sleeve- . These will be a fun, light, super soft fix to those chilly Spring days, and you can finally retire those thick sweaters you wore all winter.

    A New Style of Denim
    We all have our favorite go-to pair of jeans that we love to wear year-round. This Spring, grab a new favorite staple style such as our Jill High-Waisted Wide Leg, Grace Super Flare, or Harper Boyfriend Skinny. They’re all such flattering shapes, and from one of our favorite brands (Black Orchid) that is beyond comfortable. You’ll truly live in these jeans and be excited about adding a new style denim to your wardrobe.

    Layering Jewelry
    What’s your thing? A few favorite necklaces, stacked bangles, or statement earring? All of the above? Me, too. I love to layer on simple gold bangles like our favorite cuffs from Bent by Courtney- they’re locally made and never tarnish! They really look like real gold for under $100! Then depending on what I’m wearing I will choose a necklace or two- or three! I like to mix chunky with delicate such as pairing one of Susan Zieman’s pavé diamond pieces with Bent by Courtney’s chain link necklace or star choker. However you layer, adding more than one piece instantly adds something fresh and fun to your ensemble.
    Quality Accessories 
    Oftentimes we style a look and think “hmm, something’s missing”. Then we add a great J. Lowery bag and p448 sneakers and boom! It looks styled without being overdone. Quality accessories make all the difference. Jeans and a tee just got more interesting. For Spring, our John Yeti Sneakers are our favorite not-boring neutral, and the Max Bucket Bag (in any color!) is an everyday must!
    Don’t Underestimate your Undergarments
    I’m not talking undies, per se, I mean what you layer under that cashmere sweater or button up blouse. We are head over heels for CAMI NYC silk and lace camisoles. These gorgeous wardrobe musts can standalone for date night, but also pair wonderfully as undergarments. The Racer, Magritte, and Everly are a few of our favorites that are just as pretty as they are functional.
    Make way for a new wardrobe, and in turn a new YOU! I keep reading how 2021 is the year of ACTION, making changes for yourself to take steps toward the life you want and deserve. I can’t help but think how cleansing and refreshing a closet edit can be, and just getting rid of and adding a few things will help make your everyday look a little bit different, a little bit more you.
    Still not sure how to edit your closet or what to add? We can help! Send us an email at [email protected] or a DM on Instagram to let us know what you need help with, and we will get your wardrobe in tune!
      ]]> 2021-01-14T10:17:06-05:00 2021-01-14T10:17:06-05:00 How to Build a Dream Wardrobe caniescape Creating your dream wardrobe can feel a lot like trial and error. Finding inspiration and looks you love is the easy part, finding pieces that actually work for your body, budget and lifestyle is the challenge. caniescape is here to help solve these wardrobe dilemmas for you, because we know that when you look good, you feel good.

      Here’s how to get started building the wardrobe of your dreams- a collection of pieces that doesn’t just fit in measurements, but also fits who you are. (PS- You’re sure to be feeling like your best self in no time and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do this sooner!)

      Step 1- Give yourself a quick closet edit. Now, we love to do a full on pull out everything and go through piece by piece, but if you don’t have time for that, quickly pull out the pieces you know you love and wear, and then go through the rest deciding what can stay with alterations or better styling, or what needs to go to make room for pieces that are more true to who you are and will make you feel like your best self. This isn’t the time for indecisiveness. If you haven’t worn it, there’s a reason. Don’t see it as money being tossed out- if you never wear it, it’s actually a waste of money to keep it. Donate, consign or alter the pieces that are left and quickly organize by garment type and color to make it easier to get dressed.

      Step 2- Decide what’s missing. What are the missing pieces that could maximize your existing wardrobe and take it to the next level? You may be in need of better basics, like a great V-neck tee or better fitting pair of jeans. Maybe you have the basics covered and need a few stand out pieces such as cool sneakers or statement earrings, a print dress that you can wear five ways or even cozy pieces like sweatshirts and joggers. Building your dream wardrobe does not just mean dressy pieces. It means all the pieces. Why save your best look just for Friday night? If you have to be casual every day, at least make it pieces that you’re excited to wear.


      how to instantly lose 10 lbs

      Step 3- Shop for your Dream Pieces. It may sound fun or daunting, depending on your shopping preference. Even if you do love to shop, finding that one gray cardigan that’s just going to make your life better can be a task. Ordering a ton of things and dealing with returns is a pain, and can be defeating. At caniescape, we can help walk you through the entire process, from closet edit to final purchases, or we can help with the areas you are struggling. Did you know that we offer personal shopping- if we can’t find it in store, we will help you find it! We’re ready to assist regardless of your wardrobe needs. Stay tuned for our next blog to find out all the dreamy details of what a STYLE BOX entails!

      Are you just unsure of what your style is, or what to add to maximize your current favorites? Let’s schedule a Mini-Styling Session in-store or online to get your wardrobe honed into Dream status!


      ]]> 2020-12-29T09:50:48-05:00 2021-01-21T13:46:39-05:00 What Should I Wear? caniescape We are all ready to ring in a New Year, with hopeful new beginnings and more social gatherings. However, our reality is still keeping things safe and distanced as much as possible, and that means a lot of at-home parties and small celebrations. 
      It’s easy to get down in the dumps about yet another holiday spent at home missing family and friends. But looking back, a lot of my favorite memories are at home with loved ones- So grab some bubbly and make it a party!
       We’ve got just the outfits to ring in 2021 in style, but still so comfortable.
      Whether you’re cozied up in one of our favorite lounge sets eating take-out, or shakin’ your groove thing in the living room ‘til the wee hours in sequins, we’ve got you covered in something that will fit your mood just right.
      Not only do these looks make NYE more fun and festive, they can easily transition to other settings, and on into the coming seasons.
      Stretchy, metallic pants with pockets can be paired with a matching top now, or silky cami later, a great little black dress is perfect with booties or sparkly heels for the holiday, but easily adjusts to strappy sandals or sneakers for an event this Summer.
      Our classic, ivory blazer is the wardrobe staple your closet has been craving for anything from jeans to silky pants to cut off shorts, and a blue velvet set is the statement you need to make now and later. If it makes you happy, it needs to be in your closet.
      We can always help with how to style. So make a confident decision for your NYE and your wardrobe- make it Council! 
      ]]> 2020-12-04T09:23:27-05:00 2020-12-20T13:58:15-05:00 Holiday Gift Ideas caniescape The Most Stylish Holiday Gift Guide 

      Whatever mood strikes, Council Wardrobe Studio has got you covered in style...


      'Tis the season at Council, the trees are lit, the store is stocked!  Santa knows you've been good this year- so as your doing your holiday shopping, treat yourself too. We have something for everyone- and every mood; lush silks, cozy sweats, statement accessories, chic sneakers and more! Whatever mood strikes, we've got you covered in style...

       THE GLAM GAL 


      After a year of quarantine, the holiday season calls for a night out and some time to shine like the star you are! Our Racer Cami in Holly is just the silky layer you need to get in the holiday spirit. Pair with jeans and a blazer, and our Scott Backpack for an intimate dinner, or a statement piece like our Sequin Midi Skirt for a festive night on the town! Top it off with some fun earrings such as our local favorites- the Flora Hoops or the show-stopping Cupid Crystal Earrings for the ultimate Glam Gal look.



      While we are all ready for a festive season of togetherness, we still need quiet time and self-care to refuel and stay healthy. These cozy  pieces in the most super-soft fabrics are sure to keep you comfortable, yet looking fabulous. Running out to meet a friend for coffee never looked so good. Our Relay Shorts are the flattering fit you need in the softest fabric you crave! Paired back to our Boxy Cropped Tee, this is the most (not-so-basic) set that will be your go-to all year long. Star Studs and our insanely comfortable P448 John Sneakers complete the look and take lounge wear to a whole new level!


      As every good style guru knows, It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it. Our favorite wardrobe staples to pair a million ways would have to include these fab NEW finds:  A neutral in the Racer Cami can be worn with anything in your closet, year-round. Our favorite tee- Disco Cowgirl (the softest tee ever!) is the only graphic tee you'll ever need, and versatile, go-to accessories like our John Sneakers, Krewe Sunnies and Max Bucket Bag complete any look from sweats to silks!


      There's something to be said for quality neutrals; they never go out of style and they are easy to pair with just about anything. Some of our favorites include: The Etta Ruffle Top- a great white tee with a little style goes a long way in your closet. The Penny Sweater is style meets comfort in this ultra-soft everyday layer. Our Skate Sneakers are a little punch of edge to counteract all of the soft, sweet layers. And the beaded Tiger Stripes Crossbody bag keeps it fresh and cool.


      And for the lady on your list who loves a good pair of earrings- these are for her! A small, classic gold huggie hoop for daytime, and a stand-out statement for evening. Our Millie Hoops or Starlet Earrings are sure to impress and delight the receiver! 

       'Tis the Season for spreading cheer and giving to the ones you love- including YOU! Shop the site or come visit us in the store. Send us an email any time we can help find the perfect gift for everyone: [email protected] 

      ]]> 2020-11-07T10:11:40-05:00 2020-12-20T13:59:06-05:00 How to Hide a Pooch caniescape 19 weeks pregnant here- major pooch to hide, and V neck top front-tucked + print, elastic waist skirt does the trick! 


      Ah, the dreaded stomach pooch. It can be a result of lifestyle, body style, heredity, aging, pregnancy, post-pregnancy, or fluctuating weight to name a few. Whatever the reason, it can create wardrobe dilemmas, and make us inclined to wear oversized clothing to mask it. What if I told you wearing those giant tops are only making it worse? Or, those pieces may hide the pooch, but are making the rest of you look bigger, wider. I’m offering a few tips and tricks to help hide the pooch, and keep you looking slim. Let’s get right down to it.


      The Clare Top in Gray    Wide Leg Ankle Pant in Gray 

      (both now on SUPER SALE!!)
      Why is it called the Clare Top? Because we had the Crop Top, which is great, but a little short for a lot of pants/ people's preferences, so I kept asking the company to make it 3 inches longer, and finally they did! This one is the perfect length to be flattering and cover your pooch! 


      • Stop wearing longer tops to hide it. You don’t necessarily need more fabric to hide your pooch. Most likely, your hip area right above the pelvic bone is a flat area of your body, and the pooch is just above there. Let’s highlight the hips, make your legs look longer, and mask the pooch. Keep your tops shorter- at or just above the hip bone- and front tuck longer tops to create an illusion that you don’t have a pooch.
      • Higher waist pants aren’t always better. Sure, some high waist jeans/pants are made just so that they have a thick stretchy material and can smooth a pooch. However, a lot of higher waist pants accentuate a pooch. Go for a mid-rise pair (like our Harper Boyfriend Jeans) and you can likely go a size down since the zip and button will hit right at the top of your hips, below the belly.


      (14 weeks pregnant, definitely had to work my magic to hide the pooch!)

      The Harper Boyfriend Jean is just the right mid-rise!

      Karla Hat  / Flare Hem Top


      • When in doubt, a V-neck and a print will mask it. A V-neck is just such a flattering shape, and when you choose a print – especially a darker, or smaller, busy print, you’re able to hide the pooch easily! Front tuck if the top is longer than the top of your hip bone to show off that flat hip area.
      • Never underestimate a button up. A classic button up shirt is a great way to mask a pooch or larger chest. Make sure to choose one that’s shoulder seams sit right on the edge of your shoulders, or just over the shoulders for a more relaxed look. Don’t button it too high. When you create that great V-neck shape, you’re showing more of your collarbone, and this becomes the focus rather than your “problem areas”. Also, a side tuck with a button up helps mask a belly!


      Not pregnant here, just wine & cheese pooch that needs a little disguising! 

      Button Up Tops  / Our Fav John Sneakers


      I hope these tips help you to feel more confident! Your body is beautiful no matter what, but I know how irritating it can feel to not be comfortable in your outfit. When you feel put together, you can worry less about what you’re wearing and concentrate more on enjoying every minute!


      For a more personalized styling experience, reach out to us about a Mini-Styling Session! We want you to feel your best every day, whether you’re in your favorite cocktail outfit or sweats.

      ]]> 2020-09-18T12:28:14-04:00 2020-12-20T13:58:01-05:00 How to Elevate Your Basics caniescape  

      “Wow, I love this! I would buy it if I had anywhere to go...”

      Y’all, if I had a nickel for every time I have heard this sentiment since March, I could have lattes and Bakeshop treats everyday, twice a day! And truthfully, I feel ya. I’m not going many places either, besides work, errands, taking my child to school or dance, coffee, lunch or the occasional date night or GNO. Wait a minute- that’s a lot of places besides home! And a heck of a lot more chances to wear fun things than we had in March and April. I know this year is weird, but we have to make the best of it, and for me at least, that means getting dressed sometimes. It truly does my mood wonders to put on something that makes me feel fabulous. Considering all of that, we know comfy (flattering!) basics are the cornerstone to any good wardrobe. Building looks from a simple “blank slate” is a great way to start a killer outfit. Favorite jeans and tee, then add XYZ. This week, I am encouraging you to step it up a notch, while staying in those comfy basics you love. Here’s how with a few simple “DON’TS”…


      • Don’t overthink it. Throw on a jogger set or your favorite comfy tee and lived in denim with cool sneakers for daytime, then switch up the shoes and add a sparkly earring for dinner. You’re still comfy, but your style is elevated with a simple change of accessories. You’ve heard us say this a thousand times, but how many times do you actually do it? Why do we feel like we have to get all gussied up to feel great? We just need to feel like our most authentic selves. Aren’t most of the pins on your Pinterest page a cool, effortless style? You don’t have to dress up to feel dressed.


      • Don’t separate your wardrobe. When you make too many sections, you limit yourself. Instead of making your clothing separate by occasion (loungewear, work wear, weekend wear…) separate by style and color. For example, Tops, Bottoms, Dresses, Skirts, Outerwear- then lights to darks within each category to make it super easy to find a style and color when you want to quickly grab that gray tee. This way, you will be more likely to use your favorite tee for more than just grocery runs, and your floral skirt will become a staple with sneaks.


      • Don’t dress for everyone else. We’re all guilty of texting before dinner, “what are you wearing?” Why do we do this? Because we all want to have on jeans and a top, or we all want to don a floral dress and headband? C’mon. Think of images of the Sex & The City cast walking down a NYC sidewalk. Isn’t it true that what we love about them is their different styles, personalities, and how they all love and respect each other for their unique individuality? Dress for you, for how you’re feeling. If jeans and a crop sweatshirt paired with loafers and gold hoops are going to make you relaxed and happy, go with that! You’ll enjoy your day/ event way more if you’re not fidgeting with your outfit or feeling self-conscious.


      Aya Cami, Fremont Jogger, Flora Hoops
      Sara Ashton is wearing an XS in the Aya Cami and M in the Fremont Jogger.


      Little details make the difference. Investing in accessories that make you smile will take that favorite tee from zero to hero, and remember, it doesn’t take tons of time to make a thoughtful, stylish look. You’ve got 20 minutes at home between work and dinner. Switch the shoes, grab your favorite clutch, and add a couple bangles to your stack. A swipe of concealer and lipstick and you’re good to go!


      What excites us most is helping you achieve your desired look, and feeling great every day! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need some help pairing things. Sometimes all you need is a few great pieces and a little push in the right direction. We're in store to help, or would love to schedule a Mini Styling Session to give you a little extra 1 on 1 time to help fine tune your look. If it doesn’t come natural, don’t worry. I can’t balance a checkbook to save my life- we all have our strengths! ;)

      ]]> 2020-09-03T08:00:00-04:00 2020-09-03T08:00:01-04:00 Breathe New Life into Summer Pieces this Fall Clare Koppang  

      Fall is upon us, pumpkins will soon line porches, kids will start to plan their Halloween costumes, and the holidays will creep up before we can blink. The temperature will gradually cool, and you’ll reach for a layer to help your summer wardrobe make the shift into breezier days. At Council, we thrive on versatility, and building smaller, more meaningful wardrobes. Today, I’m outlining a handful of tips to help you make the switch gradually into a new season.


      COLOR PALETTE. If you’re like me, you’ve probably been doing everything in your wardrobe power to make sure you’re as cool as possible in the intense summer heat. White, breathable linen shirts, bright, patterned styles in lightweight fabrics, and more relaxed, roomy pieces have been my go-to looks for staying cool. For Fall, I like to go with more rich colors, navy or raspberry, deep coral or forest green, mixed with neutrals for a vibe that helps to mimic the season. Simply throwing on a new, rich color with those old boyfriend jeans can give them the cool contrast you crave.


      The Jessica Skirt & Max Mini Bucket Bag


      FABRICS. This one isn’t what you think. I’m not going to tell you to stick to velvets, denim and cashmere, especially if you’re in a climate that doesn’t cool off for a while. True to our philosophy, I believe you should really wear most of your wardrobe year-round. So, it’s totally okay to pair your white linen shirt with that navy stripe cardigan as long as it’s balmy during the day and cooler in the mornings and evenings. Pair your gauzy dress with a leather jacket or blazer. In short, dress for the temperature, not so much the season. So while we of course want to make subtle changes to help our wardrobes shift, don’t pack up the linen on Labor Day. Layer when needed, use darker, richer colors to contrast bright whites, but wear your linen if it’s warm!


      The Moonshine Tee, Lila Dress & Max Mini Bucket Bag 


      LAYER. You know this one, but it’s not just layering, it’s how you layer. First, in the warmer weeks of September, you may not need much of a layer depending on where you live. Tie your favorite graphic tee over a strappy maxi dress, pop a lightweight cardigan on in the evening, or go with booties instead of open toe slides for an effortless Fall vibe.


      ACCESSORIES. Accessories are the punctuation to an outfit. They make it “styled”. In the summertime, we tend to go lighter on accessories, but it’s time to beef them up. Layering necklaces or bracelets to give your silk blouse some edge, or throwing on a hat with your sweater or favorite dress just punches up your style a bit. Add a thick, leather belt to your bell bottoms or maxi dress, change out your handbag to something deep and rich, these little changes will put you in the mood to celebrate the new season.


      Dorotea Dress, Karla Hat, Jojo Bag & John Sneakers 


      CONTRAST. Mixing fabrics, colors, styles is one of my favorite ways to achieve an effortless, elevated look. Since shifting to fall means cooler days and probably more events, don’t be afraid to pair your favorite graphic tee with a silk skirt, sneakers with a dress, or polished blazer with lived-in jeans. Styling the dressier items in your wardrobe with your everyday favorites can give new life to the pieces and give you a new style.



      Journey tee, Jiji Skirt, John Sneakers


      My best advice is, don’t overthink it! Grab the things you love, or gravitate to the most, and try them with different combinations until you find something that feels right.

       Remember, we are always here to help with styling ideas and help you add new pieces to maximize your looks! Stop by the store, or message us for some quick ideas, or set up a mini-styling session to really give your style some game this season!

       Click HERE to set up a Mini Styling Session!

      ]]> 2020-06-08T09:24:00-04:00 2020-09-03T00:44:19-04:00 4 Ways to Child-Proof Your Look Clare Koppang  

       Are you in a gray tee shirt rut? Is your mom uniform getting a little - well, bland? There's nothing wrong with a simple ensemble; in fact, they're some of my favorite looks. I like to have a blank slate- tee and jeans- so that I can pair different shoes, accessories, outerwear to make it a completely different look each time, all while staying comfortable. But, as a mom, I know sometimes you just want to (need to) feel a little pep in your step. There's nothing like throwing on something that just makes you feel like YOU to turn your frown upside down.



      Don't be afraid to pair a fun skirt with a tee and sneakers for a day of errands!

      This little Zadig skirt is 50% OFF!


      For me that's a dress or skirt. I love jeans, but I just feel like I have a little more to offer the world in a fun skirt or chic dress. I don't mean heels and pearls. I mean everyday. Throw them on with sneakers or a comfy low heel, maybe change out my everyday jewelry for a piece I don't wear often that makes me feel special, and bam! I suddenly feel like I can conquer the day! I have learned that when I take time for myself, I am better for everyone else. 

      OK, now, let's talk what to wear. Here are my thoughts on how to dress for YOU and feel great, even if you have little sticky hands around. 



      This fab print dress is SO COMFY. SO CHIC. And hides stains...!

      Grab the last size here at 50% Off!!


      1. PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS. A print fabric has a pattern, usually multiple colors, and hides stains well. So if you're halfway through your day and yogurt hands tug on your shirt, no worries. The stain will likely disappear, or be hidden well in the print, and you can deal with the stain later. The Dorotea Zebra Dress is my favorite print to throw on with sneakers, or The Sachi Tie Dye Dress is a great option (and on SALE at just $59!) and can even be worn open over a cami and shorts or jeans.


      The Dorotea Dress. Year-round perfection!     The Karla Fedora Hat


      2. PAY ATTENTION TO FABRICS. Care instructions depend on what your garment is made of, and how easily it will show wrinkles or sweat stains. If you're anything like me, I need something that is either supposed to be wrinkled or doesn't wrinkle easily and definitely doesn't show sweat stains. Polyester gets a bad rap, but it is very wrinkle resistant! I love our Denise Dress for an easy throw-on-and-go option. Cotton, linens especially are my favorite for hot days when I know I will be outside and sweating. Our Angel Tunic is a great lived-in linen option that is easy to care for and wear over and over. The Sia Tank is another favorite for it's fun madras print and easy linen fabric.


      3. GO FOR COMFORT FIRST. When you're getting dressed for a day with your little one(s), grab something comfortable. Try to avoid a short dress that will ride up when you pick up your child, an off-the-shoulder top that they may be able to yank down easily (yikes!), or tight pants that might rip if you have to squat down quickly to tie a shoe. Pieces that give a little room, and are more covered are the pieces I gravitate toward for days with my daughter. I love our Wendy Pants (they've got an elastic waist and pockets!), or Dixie Skirt with a tee and sandals. 


      4. SHOES MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. It sounds obvious, but you wouldn't believe how many times I have thrown on sandals and regretted it almost immediately. Some flat sandals can rub and be more uncomfortable than wedges. In short, know your shoes. Take a spin around the house before leaving to make sure you're comfortable. I've been throwing on sneakers with just about everything these days. My favorite easy, comfy look with sneaks is cut off shorts. The Karen High Rise Denim Shorts are my favorite. They are a great length and don't gape open when you sit down! 


      The Karen High Rise Denim Short, comfy and the perfect length- a Summer staple!


      A couple more suggestions for loving getting dressed everyday...

      MOST STAINS AREN'T PERMANENT. But your reaction to sticky hand stains can leave a mark, so be gentle (speaking from experience here) with your words, and enjoy your fabulous outfit. If you can't google a surefire stain trick, my friends at MasterKleen in 43-100 can most likely get it out; I can't tell you how many stains I thought would ruin my clothes and then they came back looking new!


      ATTITUDE. Embrace the day! YOLO. Just make up your mind that you're wearing that cute outfit and get on with it. Know that a stain may happen and in the event, you'll take care of it. If you're really worried, bring an extra tee in your bag. You dress your kids in nice things, and scrub their stains out, so why wouldn't you do the same for you?

      I will leave you with that thought. I encourage you to dig a little deeper, stop the excuses and just wear what you love! 

      *TIP* Here's a little surefire stain trick that one of my awesome mom friends taught me- 

      Put baking soda, blue Dawn dish detergent, and hydrogen peroxide on the stain. Rub it in a little. Let it sit overnight in a bowl of HOT water. In the morning wash as normal. 9 times out of 10 this has taken care of the stain for me! 

      ]]> 2020-06-01T09:14:00-04:00 2020-09-03T00:44:45-04:00 How COVID-19 Has Affected My Business Clare Koppang  

       Friends, when I got word that there was a global pandemic, that there would be a stay home movement, that businesses would be forced to close to the public, my heart sank. How would my small business ever survive this? Clothing isn't a necessity, people are going to forget about Council. They'll only be buying groceries and blow up sprinkler toys to keep kids entertained. But before I let myself get too far down the rabbit hole of fear, I knew I had a choice. I could let this take me over and take Council down, or I could rise to the occasion. I decided the latter was my only option. 


      The Aurelie Dress- bright, beautiful and comfortable.


      I knew that there would be a lot of factors I couldn't control, so I decided to focus on what I could control- and still can- because let's be real, this is still happening with no end in sight. I buckled down and made a plan. I knew I had a captive audience at home just scrolling social media, and you know what? People did want to buy clothing. Retail therapy is real. At first only comfy stay-at-home clothes sold, so that's what I boosted. Then as social distancing events popped back up, dresses, skirts and pretty tops started selling, too. Drive- by birthday parties and graduations were still on, weddings may be pushed back, but everyone still needs something to wear in August or October or whenever it is. Having a new top on in that zoom happy hour made her a little happier. 


      The Luella Dress is sure to lift your spirits!


      My new business plan was delivering locally, offering free shipping, sending out clothing on approval for fun try on parties, I did super sale items regularly, discounted my sale section a little deeper, and my clients showed up for me like I couldn't believe. I am still floored when I look at the numbers. I buckled down for low months, and March was a little rough. But April was almost a normal sales month, and you know what? May 2020 beat May 2019 in sales. 

      I just can't express my gratitude enough. I love getting to know my clients and their stories; why they need that special dress or why they're buying new jeans. Everyone has a journey, it's not just clothes. What you wear is a reflection of who you are, and if you don't feel good in what you're wearing, you're going to be distracted and grumpy. I encourage clients to choose comfortable pieces that make you feel like your best self. I guarantee you, when you like what you're wearing, you'll have a better day.

      Ready to build the closet you've always wanted?  Try an Approvals Box to get styled by us!


      The Jessica Skirt - perfect with sneakers or heels!


      I have worked my tail off to get Council where it is today, and these past 3 months I worked even harder. I was alone at the store every day, and some days I felt like it was Groundhog Day. When my motivation was lacking, I turned the music up, got some good food/coffee and remembered why I started. Knowing what I am capable of is invigorating. Council isn't going anywhere thanks to YOU! 



      The Kalina Top- breezy and light for these hot summer days!

      Use code SMILE4STYLE for 25% off one item.

       Try an Approvals Box to build your wardrobe from home.

      ]]> 2020-05-05T20:18:00-04:00 2020-09-03T00:43:54-04:00 Favorite Summer Tees Clare Koppang  

      The warmer months are all about ease- throw it on and go, look great, but feel comfy. No one wants to fool with complicated looks when it's upwards of 80 degrees. It's enough to keep our hair from frizzing and makeup from running. I've compiled a little list of my very favorite throw-on tees and I'm telling you why I love them. 


      The Peplum Tee , $53


       Let's start with one that's just as stylish as it is comfy- The Peplum Tee. I love this tee for it's fabric and wearability, not to mention great price. Made of 100% cotton, this flattering V-neck tee washes perfectly, and is ever so slightly cropped, with a relaxed peplum detail. I love that it's not fitted, so I can have pizza or taco night with no shame! 



      Disco Cowgirl Tee, $120

       OK, I know this is a pricey little tee shirt. But, let me tell you it's worth it! If you're a graphic tee girl, this is a splurge you won't regret. They come regular length, and I cut mine -like the photo above- right at hip level. I'll do a blog soon on how to cut tees. (There's no exact science, and it's even better if it's not perfect.) This cotton/poly blend tee is suuuuper soft and suuuuper versatile. I wear it with workout leggings to walk the dogs, boyfriend jeans and heels to dinner, or sneakers and shorts to work/ weekend, and it's the perfect tee to dress up with a fun sparkly skirt or leather pants for a fun night out! Need I say more? Want comfort that oozes style? This is your tee. 




      The Wearever Tee, $40 

      If you've owned one, YOU KNOW. We sell these out and fast in every color we get them in, and the company makes new colors every year, thankfully. This dusted almond is the perfect non-white neutral to pair with just about anything. But, we do have white too if you need a great white tee. They run slightly oversized, so size down if you want it more fitted, and size up if you like it relaxed and roomy. Wash and dry over and over and wear with just about anything! And at $40- buy all the colors! 



      Tie Dye Knotted Top, $121

      I am just crazy about tie dye! It's a fun, bohemian print, and a great way to make your look a little cool and edgy while being covered and comfy. This cute tee is a rayon/spandex blend, which is one of my favorite blends simply because it's so dang soft! This top is has a matching skirt that I love to wear together with sneakers or heels, but you can totally wear it on it's own (and even untie that knot if you like!) for a more casual approach with jeans or shorts. A fun addition to any wardrobe! 



      The Clare Top, $106

       Our dressier tee, the Clare Top was named after me since I kept insisting one of my favorite designers make their Crop Top in a style just 3 inches longer for those of us that want to cover a little more. They finally did, and this fabulous ponte knit top can get as dressy or as casual as you need- the perfect wardrobe staple. Throw it on with ponte knit pants as a set, wear it with distressed denim or over a silk skirt for cocktail.  


      Evil Eye Tee, $59

      Welcome, Summer! Another light pink neutral, because it looks so great with a tan, and the little gold evil eye detail on the pocket adds a unique touch that is understated and cool. Pair this relaxed style with jeans and sneaks, cut off shorts and sandals, or under a blazer with white jeans to kick it up a notch. I love this tee for it's unique touches, perfect neutral color, and flattering V neck, relaxed cut. 


      ]]> 2019-10-05T09:56:00-04:00 2019-10-05T09:56:03-04:00 Can We Forget the Rules? Clare Koppang  Jack Linen Boyfriend Shirt 

      A client walked into the store yesterday wearing head to toe linen. She paired our wide leg Wendy Pant in black with an olive green linen top. It’s been 100 degrees here lately, so she was dressed completely appropriately. She asked if her outfit was okay for October… to which I replied, “Absolutely! If you lived in the Bahamas you wouldn’t put away your linen”!

      It got me thinking. Why do we base our wardrobes around what month it is? Let’s be real, the October heat index in Georgia this past week has beat July’s. Why don’t we dress based on climate rather than supposed season? Sometimes it’s freezing in April, but we feel like our fur vest should be put away because it’s “Spring”. We’ll be sweating it out in corduroy and wool on Thanksgiving when we would rather be in linen, because by midday in the South it’ll probably be close to 80 degrees.


      Shop the Mia Shirt 

      Let’s forget the rules. Grab what you feel good in- dress for the weather, not the month. We’re all anxiously waiting for cool weather so that we can rock all of those cozy sweaters folded in the top of our closets.

      My last post encouraged you to throw on something to help you feel like Fall, but be realistic and make sure to be comfortable. Pair a breezy dress with booties, or throw in a fall color. Don’t put your linen up just yet. If you’re in a beach town, you definitely don’t feel the pull to wear fall clothes in November. So why do we put those restraints on ourselves here?


      Year-round Dalila Dress now on SALE!

      ]]> 2019-09-26T15:32:00-04:00 2019-09-26T15:32:29-04:00 What to Wear in the Fall Heat Clare Koppang Boxy Stripe Sweater // Wellington Dress 

       "Welcome to the South!" I like to say to anyone who has recently moved here from a lovely place with 4 real seasons, or a visitor who only packed sweaters for a visit in November. But the truth is, it's not just here. I've been in New York on an unseasonably warm autumn day and on the west coast laying on the beach in a swimsuit in October. It isn't typical, but it happens. The South just has that layer of thick moisture that forces us all to be product junkies, spraying helmets of protection on our freshly-curled locks, and keeping a bar of deodorant handy year-round.

      I've grown accustomed to a warm Fall, and have some suggestions that will help you feel like all those leaves on the ground and pumpkins on porches actually do mean seasons are changing. 


      Wellington Dress


      1. Go for a Fall color palette. I don't mean burnt orange and olive green exclusively, but you can certainly put away your lightweight aqua silk if you want to embrace the season. The dress I'm wearing is a muddy green color in a luxe, thick silky fabric, and it's going to be a Fall staple for sure! 

      2. L A Y E R. You knew this one was coming. The mornings and evenings are cool, so take that chance to layer on a sweater or jacket for your work commute and dinner plans. 

      3. Watch your fabrics. You may think that light-as-air sweater will be great for the changing of seasons, but if it has even 10% wool, it's going to be WARM. Opt for lighter, breathable fabrics such as cotton, linen, or viscose until the temps get a little lower. 

      4. Shoes matter. Feet sweat, so if you've got a sweater on, wear peep-toe booties or an open flat. If you're wearing something cooler like a breezy dress, something that encloses your foot will be fine! Be smart about letting one element of your outfit be breezy!


      Paris Skirt


       I hope this helps you not to feel so frustrated with Mother Nature when the months start to end in -ber (instead of brrrr)! While we wait for cooler temps, we can edit our wardrobes a little to reflect the new season. 

      As always, we are available for wardrobe help! If you love a piece, but are stuck on how to style it for these in-between seasons, just send us a message and we will send photos and ideas! [email protected] 




      ]]> 2019-09-18T15:12:00-04:00 2019-09-18T15:12:23-04:00 Client Spotlight: Betsy Ramsay Clare Koppang  

      I remember the first time I met Betsy about 12 years ago, I was working in McKay's, an upscale women's clothing shop in 43-100. She breezed in, in usual Betsy fashion to check out what was new, and by the time she left I thought, "I want to be Betsy when I grow up!". She just embodies that effortless chic look and attitude that we all aspire to have. She does a good job of laughing at herself and not taking life too seriously. She has fun with her wardrobe, trying new trends, but sticking with the classics in terms of shape. She knows her body and what works and what doesn't. I was anxious to get her in for a client spotlight and see what a day in the life looks like for her, how she keeps that "just left the spa" glow and positive energy flowing! 



      Betsy Ramsay


      Anytime from 5:00am-6:30am- Demanding little puppy dog, 8 month old Cavalier Sophie- wakes us up and rules the roost.

       7:00am- I still get the newspaper! Sit down and read the paper have a bagel, diet Coke (1 a day)

      9:00am- Pilates at Quest (3 x a week). I love it. 

      11:00am- Historic 43-100 Board Meeting- I'm on the executive committee, and I really enjoy it- they do a GREAT job, YOU NEED TO JOIN! –Remember the "Night in Monte Carlo" event this year? We're doing “A Night in Singapore” in early Spring 2020- casino night- SO MUCH FUN!

      1:00pm- Lunch at Bare Roots or Parker's Pantry with friends or family. Love the stuffed sweet potato at Bare Roots and the soups at Parker's are out of this world! Then will stop in to Council to see what's new!

      3:00pm - Pastoral Institute Board- I love being a part of something that has made such a difference in our community, changing peoples lives for a healthier mind, body and soul. 

       5:00pm- Home to walk on the treadmill. I do this 3 times a week, about 30-45 minutes. 

      6:30pm Then Sophie has to have her supper, and Al has to have his...! I check the fridge in the garage for ours; Suzanna Lampton drops off meals every week! It's so easy and they're delicious!

      When we don't eat her meals, we eat a tomato sandwich at home, or go out to eat at one of our local favorites. Of course I prefer going out to eat! Latest favorite is Saltcellar. We went last week, and the service was just perfect. 

      Go to cocktail: Tito's & Tonic with supper 

      9:00pm- I take a bath and read at bedtime. I love to read! The best book I've EVER read is Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. She''s coming to speak at the library in January!

      Then it's lights out! Sophie is spoiled, she sleeps with us. We turn the AC down really low and cuddle with Sophie. 




      I'm also on the Wynn House board (historic preservation- my grandmother Mary Elizabeth Butler lived there!) I really enjoy that, too. 

      My Style Advice: I can quote my old friend Rick McKnight- “Fashion is an attitude”; You can wear anything you want to if you feel good about it. And age is really not that important! I can’t wear a little skirt that stops just below the fanny, but most anything else!




      Thank you Betsy for taking the time to be our client feature and for being fabulous YOU! Betsy is wearing our Midi Sweater Dress by Autumn Cashmere, paired perfectly with sneakers and heels!

      ]]> 2019-09-12T16:19:00-04:00 2019-09-12T16:23:18-04:00 How I Prepare for Market Clare Koppang  

       A handful of times a year I attend apparel markets to buy for the store. There are two markets a year in New York, and those are the big ones for me; for one, it's much more of a commitment in time and travel, and second, it's NEW YORK! I get to go twice a year, so I like to plan very strategically, and squeeze in all my necessary appointments, but also some fun time just exploring. 



      I've been buying for years- before my store, I helped other owners buy. I've been buying for Council since 2014, but buying for our brick-and-mortar store in 43-100 for about 2 years now. Let me tell you it's ALL THE EMOTIONS. So much excitement and gratitude that I even get to do this, followed by anxiety and doubt. Ya'll, it never fails, every year when it's market time, it's usually just after slower seasons and then I have to go sign my name on thousands of dollars of orders for things that won't even start shipping for 6 months. It's crazy! I seriously have to be in a good mindset, ready to take some risks but mostly I just have to believe in my vision! Each season I learn something, and each season I feel like I get a little better at fine tuning the process. 

      I usually freak out and put a bunch of numbers on paper, project what I can spend for the coming season, and go into market with that number branded in my mind. This year I am doing things a little differently. Of course I know the range of what I can spend, but I also made a mood board to get me thinking Spring. A lot of nature-inspired colors and fabrics, mixed with bold patterns and punches of red are speaking to me for 2020. 



      With my vision in mind, I go into appointments knowing what I want. Mostly during those appointments, I am thinking of YOU. My clients, my friends. I think about your lifestyle and what would be most comfortable, yet chic for your everyday life. I think about your bodies, what flatters your shape most, enhances what's already there. Then I consider your budget and which pieces are investment-worthy and which are not. With lifestyle, body, budget in mind, I gauge which items are seasonless and can be worn year-round and order more of those styles. 

      By the time I leave I am mentally wiped! Lots of big decisions crammed into a couple days is enough to glaze a person over. When I get home from market I feel like I could sleep for days. Lots of water, good food, sleep will get me back on track. Then I will print photos from market and divide them into deliveries so I know exactly what's coming when, and get the numbers organized as well. 


      So, off I go to New York, to plan the future of Council! Follow along on Instagram stories for all the fun this weekend, and weigh in on some "be the buyer" polls!

      You can find my dress and linen shirt below! 

      The Wellington Dress

      The Jack Boyfriend Shirt

      ]]> 2019-09-02T20:58:00-04:00 2019-09-03T09:57:22-04:00 Weekly Edit Clare Koppang  

      The main reason we don't dress in our dream wardrobe everyday isn't because we don't or can't own it, it's because we don't plan it. Here's a little cheat sheet to help with some ideas. 

      Day 1: Kick off the week strong with a comfortable, chic-as-all-get-out dress to counteract the Monday blues. I promise you, your Monday will be better. Now I did say comfortable. If you choose something that is too tight or borderline too low-cut for work, you will be fidgeting all day and you will not have a better Monday. Make like Sydney here and be effortlessly glam. 

      Day 2: on Tuesday keep the glam vibe alive with something sparkly. This sequin mini may not be appropriate for every job, but if you pair it with flats, somehow miraculously it gets longer! But seriously, grab something sparkly. You know you're going to be over your diet by 6pm and halfway through a margarita, so go ahead and dress for the occasion!

      Day 3: Wednesday calls for a breather. Middle of the week, throw on jeans and your favorite white top. Something about jeans and a white top is just so classic All-American. If your job won't allow for denim, opt for linen pants and breeze into Wednesday like it's the best day ever. 

      Day 4: Put on something PINK! Why not! You might even smile as big as Maria all day! Even better, keep the rest of your look crisp and clean. A pop of pink with white pants and jacket or blazer. Guaranteed you'll get loads of compliments- pink makes everybody happy! 

      Day 5: Finally Friday! Give yourself a look and a break! Wide leg, flowy pants with an elastic waist for a splurge-worthy lunch, paired with a simple neutral tee and layered necklaces. Comfy chic!

      Have fun with your wardrobe, and wear your favorite pieces. Feeling good about your look will put a pep in your step! 

      ]]> 2019-08-29T17:09:00-04:00 2019-08-29T17:22:16-04:00 Client Spotlight: Heather Manderson Clare Koppang  

      I knew I wanted to ask Heather to be one of our first Client Spotlight's! What I didn't know was the wonderful, sweet paragraph she would write about why she loves Council. AH! She's another customer, like Maria, who is always upbeat and chooses to see the brighter side of life. These ladies work hard and keep smiling! They inspire us to work hard to keep dressing all of you in the latest, best quality pieces we can find!

      Heather is such a girly girl, and I love that about her. She has no shame for her love of pink, sparkly things, Taylor Swift, her dogs, her family and just life in general! She's someone everybody immediately wants to be friends with; she and Maria epitomize the true "Council Girl"! Check out what makes her smart as a whip, but SO. MUCH. FUN.

      Heather Manderson

      Work: Attorney at Aflac

       Style: Girly; Casual with some glam; Leggings are, in fact, pants

       Favorite Colors: Neutrals and anything PINK

       Why I love caniescape:  I am so happy to have Council and sweet Clare in 43-100!  Plain and simple: Council is WAY better than your typical women’s clothing store.  Clare has fabulous taste and has curated the most stylish and fashionable wardrobe finds.  Rather than relying on the J. Crew catalog for outfit ideas and online ordering from chain stores, Council will help you locally find beautiful and unique pieces for the perfect outfit.  Shopping at Council is a fun experience where you get to browse and play dress up in a beautiful downtown space.  Clare and her team are killing the style game and will eagerly provide tips and answer ANY questions you may have.  Feeling good is looking good, and if you want to feel good then shop at Council. 


      Typical Day:

       6:30-8: Rise & Shine! Sleep is my love language so I usually wake up with just enough time to get ready and feed my animals on the way out.  Our kids are old enough to get themselves ready for school, and Bray makes my coffee and to-go food (he’s the best!).  My pups stay close while I get ready, sneaking in as many pets as possible while I pick out my outfit.  Anything I wear from Council makes me feel put together, stylish and confident.  I love feminine dresses like the one I’m wearing here, a linen shirt with a pretty skirt or pants, and any pair of their fabulous denim with a cute top and blazer for “Casual Fridays.”


      8:30-12:  I start my work day with a daily devotion which truly sets the tone for my day (currently, New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp) and a light breakfast such as yogurt and berries.  My work days involve the usual corporate tasks – emails, phone calls, and meetings -- but no day is the same.  As an employment attorney, I primarily support Human Resources which keeps me engaged with the business and our employees.  I could be doing anything from teaching training courses, conducting an investigation, or completing administrative tasks at my desk.   It is a major highlight if I can swing by Council on my way to lunch for shopping and a chat with Clare!


      Lunch: CrossFit most days (lots of dry shampoo + lunch on-the-go), shopping/errands, or meeting up for lunch with friends.  Bare Roots, Simple Greek, and Chili Thai are a few of my favorite downtown lunch spots.   


      1:30-5:30: Work, work, work, work, work


      Evening: After school/work is my favorite time of day.  Hearing the high/low of everyone’s day, playing with my animals, and having a glass of wine is my JAM.  Add some cheese and crackers and I’m good for the night! In the summer, we sometimes swim and grill-out or stay inside and cook dinner in the air conditioning to survive the heat.  We usually eat healthier dinners during the week and save splurging for the weekends and date nights.  Since Fall is sports season, we will be spending more time at the ball field or pool for kids’ sports in the evenings. I like to unwind by watching TV (news or Netflix) and reading Reese Witherspoon’s book-of-the-month.  Like I mentioned, I really love sleep so most nights I’m usually the first to bed, snuggled and sleeping alongside my pups.   


      Weekends: Fun with friends and family, date nights (I love to wear this cami with skinny jeans and heels).  Saturdays are for Georgia Football and Sundays are for Jesus.

      ]]> 2019-08-22T11:12:00-04:00 2019-08-22T11:24:05-04:00 The Secret to a Great Outfit Clare Koppang  

       I’m standing in my closet with a robe on, and should’ve left for the event 10 minutes ago. I stare absently at the collection of clothing I have accumulated. I love everything. And nothing. What’s the event? A play. People wear jeans, people wear dresses and heels; like most events these days, there is no dress code. This unnerves me and excites me all at the same time. People like direction. Tell me what to wear! I’ve bought outfits just for these category occasions.

       Then I think about what I tell clients everyday in the store- just buy what you love and we can always style it for events/ life! So I grab two things I love; pieces that are contrasting, perfect for our Southern Summer heat and different enough to make me feel cool, confident, comfortable. Isn’t that always the goal?

      The beaded miniskirt is an ode to date night, an ode to the play we’re attending. Light shimmering off delicately sewn beads no doubt says, “celebrate!”. I top it off with an oversized white, linen shirt to counteract the skirt. Contrast is the key. Anytime you can wear something fitted with something blousy, a sparkly fabric with a natural fabric, do it. Contrasting helps the outfit to look original and styled, different from the crowd, and more true to YOU!


       All night I felt comfortable and calm. It’s crazy, I will say it a million times because it’s true- when you look good, you feel good (And vice versa, but that’s a blog for another day).

      Shop the Look:

      Giada Beaded Miniskirt , Jack Linen Boyfriend Shirt , Rain Heels

      Call the store for info/ to purchase Sunglasses, Necklace or Bag! 762.524.7342
